Child's Play!

With the opportunity to resist returning to the standard classroom, many schools are redesigning their spaces to create safe and virus free learning environments. Many of these being outdoors.
Pandemic life including education is safer outdoors as we now all know. AMV offer a range of shelters that provide schools with an outdoor classroom option. Learning can be fun in the fresh air and give further opportunity for social distancing.
The 5 and 8 sided steel options come with and without seating and with the option of PET covered sides for extra protection. Each bench can comfortably seat 4 children, the 8 sided shelter with 7 seats is therefore ideal for outdoor learning for the full class and with a design which allows for visibility at all times.
Educational space planning will need to shift its approach from simply density and cost to finding flexible, fluid and airy spaces. Both the contrasting feeling of connectivity and isolation need to be catered for and somehow the school needs to create a sense of community whilst maintaining a healthy social distance.
AMV Playgrounds is part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group a privately owned collection of individual companies serving the construction sector, providing a wide range of street furniture, playground elements and associated services to the public realm, commercial and educational schemes throughout the UK. Find out more by visiting the BSFG Website.