Returning to school in September - what you need to do!

Getting ready for Back to School in September can be challenging for schools at the best of times. With Coronavirus on everyone's minds, we all know how important it is to follow government guidelines and make sure everywhere is as safe as possible. Schools have stayed open during lockdown, providing essential childcare for key workers. These children have formed isolated ‘bubbles’ to keep them safe whilst they learn and play.
We’re all hoping that by September things will continue to normalise. Already pubs and more shops have been allowed to open albeit with new restrictions in place, with the key to keep everyone safe while they use these spaces, and that's the same with our schools. Teachers and staff are working tirelessly to make sure the nation's children have a safe learning environment to come back to at the start of the academic year.
AMV Playground Solutions LTD have a range of items that will help to protect the children, staff and parents when schools reopen in September.
Covered outdoor learning and dining areas can provide double the classroom space or canteen capacity. Steel or timber structures can be made to suit the building and fit the space available. Simple waiting shelters and walkways can offer protection from the rain for waiting parents who are social distancing.
Picnic tables and benches are a hard wearing option for the playground and they can provide more social distancing options for the children. Kids have amazing imaginations, so if they are restricted from using the playground equipment, benches can become anything they can imagine during playtime.
Temporary and permanent barriers and fencing can help to create designated queuing spaces on the playground. Social distancing is a part of life now and making it as simple as possible is key to helping children understand the rules. Fencing can be made fun and less frightening by adding designs, or a creative activity of making ‘welcome back’ posters to attach.
Cycle parking is a big one at the moment with the government investing in new cycleways and a cycling infrastructure across the UK. The lockdown has meant many people have needed new ways to travel and cycling is the best option. Cycling reduces carbon emissions, has amazing health benefits and can be great fun for the family. Providing cycle parking on the playground will help children to cycle to school without worrying about their bike during the school day.
Of course washing our hands frequently and using antibacterial hand gel, wearing face masks and frequently wiping down surfaces, are a new way of life for all of us. It’s even easier to maintain with a handy all in one unit that provides everything you could need. The Sanitisation Point is perfect for catching hands at entrances and disposing of waste at exits.
To view our range of sanitisation stations click here, we have hand gel available to order too.
For more information contact our experienced team for a discussion about your school playground needs on 01704 89 89 19 or email
AMV Playground Solutions is part of The Bailey Street Furniture Group of companies. To find out more about the Bailey Street Furniture Group visit